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Renewed Focus

Monitor Caribbean serves to foster the development and institutional strengthening of the SPAW Protocol, under the promotion of National engagement to the SPAW Protocol via mobilization of various stakeholder groups, such as NGOs, private sector and academia as well as current Parties to the SPAW Protocol as well non-Parties.

Pillars to achieve this include;

[a] Raising the profile of the SPAW Protocol, awareness, and communication by promoting the accomplishments and benefits of ratification/acceding to the SPAW Protocol at the national, regional and global levels; interacting with different Government ministries to achieve that, as well as with different actors of civil society to influence/increase support for Cabinet ratification; working with partners to act as champions for the Protocol in the region; facilitate recognition and insertion of the Protocol in key oceans processes and relations with global Multilateral Environmental Agreements such as the International Whaling Commission [IWC], The Conventions on Biological Diversity [CBD], on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals [CMS], on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora [CITES]; and strengthen relations with relevant media;

Group photo at international meeting
SPAW 2014 photo

[b] Increasing capacities at various levels nationally to implement provisions of the Protocol, e.g. supporting the Caribbean Environment Programme as Secretariat to the Cartagena Convention and the Regional Activity Centre [SPAW-RAC] and Regional Activity Networks [RANs] in their work and with SPAW Focal Points, as appropriate; filling the gaps in networking with other NGOs, policy-makers, academia, entrepreneurs and communities for resource mobilization, information/data exchange; ‘Monthly Forum’ meetings to serve as a platform for discussion, emerging issues, joint programming/partnership opportunities;

[c] Monitoring implementation and compliance with the Protocol supporting national policy and legislation development, including national action plans and recovery plans; management measures for conservation of SPAW-listed species and Marine Protected Areas; identify tools and needs to enhance reporting from Parties, including exemptions; implementation of SPAW various guidelines and networks; assist in developing mechanisms to ensure hosting and dynamic use of data/information; support the implementation of various Memoranda of Understanding with partner organizations (including the Protocol concerning Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities and the Protocol Concerning Co-operation and Development in Combating Oil Spills in the Wider Caribbean Region).
